Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Return of the Space Cowboy

Hi everyone, well finally managed to get internet connection here.
As a result of moving from Quatre Bornes (the 'real' capital of Mauritius) to the more ascetic though rural part of mauritius , we lost access to decent Internet access. But FINALLY technology has caught up with us.....and one of the local ISP Emtel has recently started to offer the WiMax service.( see god does listen to prayers.... eventually.....) Trust me; I was first at the door with cheque book in hand....
Obviously sooo much has happened since the last post about 1 year ago... Jen changed Job, she's now with the Mtian Inland Revenue- so fun eh.... (be careful what comments you may leave....:)
And while she's busy taxing you , I'm now even busier trying to get you into debt... we have finally began the construction of our 'dream house' also in the North which is A very interesting process- so much so I'm considering weather to create an additional Blog to share the process......
Nyeshka is growing up at a tremendous rate, and my friends who have young children I'm sure would vouch for me on this, that its; not the rate of their growth that is worrying rather; its the rate at which WE are getting old which is rather frightening. anyhow take this as a note that NY World is back!!!! Expect to see some exciting changes to look and content as I become IT Savvy again....

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