Monday, July 04, 2005

Mits Visit

Hey guys, one of the the things which has been going on over the last month, was the visit of my best friend Mitul Patel and His wife Mona.
Mits and myself have been friends since about the age of about 19. And I can't think of anyone who knows more 'stories' about me than he does. (thankfully he didn't spill the beans.)
Mits & Mona stayed only a week , but I feel that they have managed to do more than most people do in a month.
From swimming with dolphins in Riviere Noir, to walking to Coconut Island during low tide, to going out on the razzle in Caudan to , Staying at 'Le Residence Hotel. From dinner at the'One And Only Touesrock Hotel, to swimming at Pere Bere at sunset , followed by drinks at Cafe-Pere bere, followed by dinner at Don Camillos Grand Bay.( After which I don't remember much....)


Anonymous said...

and where's Nyeshka?

Anonymous said...

Neen - would easiliy be one of the best weeks of our lives (thanks 2 you and my bhabi ;-)) Give lulu a big kiss from mon and me, and keep posting the blogs!!!